Trevor Nittinger

Trevor Nittinger

Hipster-friendly beeraholic. Proud zombie specialist. Analyst. Typical coffee aficionado. Evil tv expert. Music scholar.

53 Articles Written
Can You Be Blacklisted if You're Under Debt Review?

Can You Be Blacklisted if You're Under Debt Review?

Are you worried that being under debt review will lead to you being blacklisted? Don't worry, it won't. If you are under...

How Long Does It Take to Get Out of Debt Review?

How Long Does It Take to Get Out of Debt Review?

Getting out of debt review can be a long and arduous process, but it is possible. The length of the debt review process...

How Long Does It Take to Clear Debt Review?

How Long Does It Take to Clear Debt Review?

The duration of the debt review process is determined by a variety of factors, such as the amount of debt you have, how...

What are the Disadvantages of Debt Relief?

What are the Disadvantages of Debt Relief?

Debt relief is a popular option for those struggling with debt, but it is important to understand the potential drawbacks ...

Can You Change Your Debt Review Status?

Can You Change Your Debt Review Status?

Debt review is a process that can be initiated by a consumer who is struggling to pay off their debt. It is a legal...

What Happens When You Go Through Debt Review?

What Happens When You Go Through Debt Review?

When you decide to go through a debt review, the National Credit Regulator will be notified and all credit bureaus will...

How Long Does it Take to Clear Debt Review?

How Long Does it Take to Clear Debt Review?

The duration of the debt review process is determined by a variety of factors, such as the amount of debt you have and...

Debt Review: Is it a Good Idea?

Debt Review: Is it a Good Idea?

Debt review is an excellent option for those who are over-indebted and struggling to make ends meet. It has been a...

The Benefits of Debt Review: A Guide for Over-Indebted Consumers

The Benefits of Debt Review: A Guide for Over-Indebted Consumers

Debt review is a powerful tool for over-indebted consumers, and it has changed thousands of lives for the better. It can...

How Long Does It Take to Get a Debt Review Clearance Certificate?

How Long Does It Take to Get a Debt Review Clearance Certificate?

Once you have gone through the debt review process, that is, you have followed the steps outlined in your payment plan...

What is Debt Review and How Can a Debt Counselor Help?

What is Debt Review and How Can a Debt Counselor Help?

Debt review is a process that helps individuals who are struggling with debt to get back on track financially. It...

How to Remove Your Name from Debt Review Quickly

How to Remove Your Name from Debt Review Quickly

Are you looking for a way to quickly remove your name from debt review? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this...

The Benefits of Debt Review: What You Need to Know

The Benefits of Debt Review: What You Need to Know

Debt review is a process that can help individuals who are struggling with debt. It is a court-ordered process that can...

How to Remove Debt Review Status Quickly and Easily

How to Remove Debt Review Status Quickly and Easily

Getting out of debt review can be a long and arduous process, but it doesn't have to be. With the right steps and a bit...

What Happens After Being Removed from Debt Review?

What Happens After Being Removed from Debt Review?

Once the debt review process is complete, the liquidation certificate is sent to all agencies to update their records....

Everything You Need to Know About Debt Review Companies

Everything You Need to Know About Debt Review Companies

Debt consolidation, debt review, and debt counseling are all important aspects of managing your finances. But what do you ...

The Pros and Cons of Debt Review

The Pros and Cons of Debt Review

Debt can be a difficult burden to bear, and it can be hard to know where to turn for help. Fortunately, there are options ...

Can I Withdraw from Debt Review?

Can I Withdraw from Debt Review?

Are you considering a debt review but are unsure if you can withdraw from it? A debt review is a process that helps...

Understanding the Implications of Debt Review

Understanding the Implications of Debt Review

Debt review is a process that can help individuals who are struggling with debt to get back on track. It is a legally...

Can I Buy a House After Debt Review in South Africa?

Can I Buy a House After Debt Review in South Africa?

Debt review is a process that helps customers in South Africa manage their debt and become debt-free. It is a legally...

How to Check if You're Still Under Debt Review

How to Check if You're Still Under Debt Review

Are you unsure if you're still under debt review? It's easy to check the status of your debt review. All you need to do...

What Happens After You Are Cleared from Debt Review?

What Happens After You Are Cleared from Debt Review?

Once the debt review process is complete, a debt counselor will issue a liquidation certificate. This document can be...

How Long Does It Take to Be Flagged from Debt Review?

How Long Does It Take to Be Flagged from Debt Review?

Debt review is a process that can help individuals who are struggling with debt. It is a process that is regulated by the ...

What Happens After Debt Review is Terminated?

When a consumer's debt review is completed, creditors have the right to take legal action to enforce a credit agreement...

How to Know When You Can End the Debt Review Process

How to Know When You Can End the Debt Review Process

If your financial situation has improved to the point where you can now make payments to all your creditors, then you may ...

The Disadvantages of Enrolling in a Debt Settlement Program

The Disadvantages of Enrolling in a Debt Settlement Program

Enrolling in a debt settlement program can be a great way to get out of debt, but it's important to understand the...

How to Remove a Debt Review Flag

How to Remove a Debt Review Flag

If you want to get rid of your debt review indicator, the only way to do it is to pay off all of your debt. Once you have ...

Debt Review: Is It a Good Idea?

Debt Review: Is It a Good Idea?

Debt review is an excellent option for those who are over-indebted and looking for relief. It can provide a way out of...

What Happens When You Go Under Debt Review?

What Happens When You Go Under Debt Review?

When you agree to go through a debt review, the National Credit Regulator will notify all credit bureaus that you are...

Can You Apply for Credit While Under Debt Review?

Can You Apply for Credit While Under Debt Review?

Debt review is a process that helps consumers manage their debt and get back on track financially. It is regulated by the ...

Can Debt Review Be Declined?

Can Debt Review Be Declined?

Debt review is a process that allows individuals to restructure their debt payments in order to make them more...

How Long Can You Be in Debt Review?

How Long Can You Be in Debt Review?

Debt review is a process that helps over-indebted consumers become debt-free. It can last anywhere from 36 to 60 months,...

How to Check if You Are No Longer Under Debt Review

How to Check if You Are No Longer Under Debt Review

Are you wondering if you are no longer under debt review? To find out, you need to request your credit report from a...

How Long Does it Take to Get Out of Debt Review?

How Long Does it Take to Get Out of Debt Review?

Getting out of debt review is a process that can take at least two months. To begin, a court request must be prepared and ...

The Risks of Debt Reduction: What You Need to Know

The Risks of Debt Reduction: What You Need to Know

Debt reduction can be a great way to get out of debt, but it's important to understand the risks involved. Debt relief...

How to Remove Your Name from Debt Review

How to Remove Your Name from Debt Review

Are you wondering how long it takes to remove your name from debt review? If you have withdrawn from the process, you may ...

What Happens When You Are Under Debt Review?

What Happens When You Are Under Debt Review?

When you are declared overindebted and enter the debt review process, you are marked as a debt review client at credit...

A Fresh Start: Life After Debt Review

A Fresh Start: Life After Debt Review

Debt review can be a difficult process, but it can also be a way to start fresh and get back on track financially. After...

The Pros and Cons of Debt Counseling

The Pros and Cons of Debt Counseling

Debt counseling is a popular option for those struggling with debt. It can help you manage your debt more effectively and ...

How to Check if You Have Been Removed from Debt Review

How to Check if You Have Been Removed from Debt Review

Checking your credit report is the best way to determine if you have been removed from debt review. You can get a free...

The Benefits of Being Under Debt Review

The Benefits of Being Under Debt Review

Debt review is a process that can help individuals who are struggling with debt. It is a court-ordered process that can...

The Disadvantages of Debt Review: What You Need to Know

The Disadvantages of Debt Review: What You Need to Know

Debt review is a process that can help individuals who are struggling with debt. It can provide a way out of the debt...

How Much Debt Do You Need to Consolidate?

How Much Debt Do You Need to Consolidate?

When it comes to consolidating debt, there is no set amount of debt you need to have. However, for the best chance of...